Safe to the Moon with FireANTS

FireAnts Coin
2 min readMar 30, 2022


FireANTS Crypto Inc. is developing a Metaverse dedicated to Native American tribes. The ANTS coin can be wrapped to wANTS on the BinanceSmartChain.

In addition, there is the red FireANTS BEP-20 token, also known as the “rANTS”. offers a liquidity pool for rANTS and wANTS that allows users to swap fast, easy, and cheap between coins and tokens of the FireANTS ecosystem. rANTS is a fast and easy payment system, not only in the FireANTS Metaverse but for anyone. The beauty of redFireAnts is simplicity, a resilient smart contract, without any bells and whistles.

In comparison to most BEP-20 smart contracts, redFireAnts do not tax transactions of users. FireANTS Crypto Inc.’s no burn policy ensures that redFireAnts will not be burned by the company. The supply of 21 trillion rANTS is fixed, non-inflationary, and will never change. It can be traded on rANTS/USDT market on Finexbox, and on rANTS/BUSD and rANTS/USDT markets on P2PB2B exchange.

Safemoon, a famous BEP-20 token, for example, charges a 10% tax on each transaction, which is preventing SFM from being adapted as a universal payment system. Users should not be fooled by holding tokens that create artificial scarcity by the loss of the intended use case.

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