FireAnts Coin
2 min readMay 17, 2021

FireAnts – The Story

Not all to long ago there was a FireAnt colony living on a phone pole, FireAnts love electromagnetism – it keeps them warm, cozy and they can vibe on the high frequency they like. It was quite unintentionally, but the FireAnts listened to news and reports brodcasted. When the FireAnts started to focus on what was transmitted by the humans, they became attentive and where shocked. For a long time, the FireAnts thought that humans, despite their big brains, silly inhabitants of their planet, would behave just like them. How can it be? Central authorities, governments, big banks and large corporations of man do not help their society, no, they want to destroy it - whipe out humanity! But no, resentment, greed and envy - the FireAnts did not know!
Only by listening to the human messages they became aware of this and realized that the planet Earth is in great danger because of human behavior. Aware of this danger, the FireAnts immediately knew what to do!

Humans, who have already set foot in space are about to become a multi-planetary society. Soon they will spread their corrupted centralized and destructive society throughout the whole solar system. This could not be accepted by the FireAnts, they must intervene. So without hesitation, the FireAnts left their comfort zone and beloved hive to colonize the solar system, yet the whole galaxy before humans. Due to FireAnts decentralized nature, the knowlege about the human malicious intentions rapidly spread among the FireAnts colonies. In no time, the golbal FireAnts population was aware. “We have to defend against the thread” the FireAnts said, “we have to fight for the right of liberty, the right of self-determination!” Snitching at the human space centers of the world, the FireAnts gathered lot’s of information. They found a lot of inefficiency and squandering, the rockets which are built by humans are actually not suitable to colonize the space, therefore the idea of flying to the moon in a spaceship has been rejected by the FireAnts. The solution of how to conquer outer space was far more simple, hidden deep inside the nature of FireAnts.

The FireAnts live in Tribes with multiple colonies, all connected to each other. Each FireAnt shares its knowledge with its neighbours and other FireAnts coming along the way. FireAnts are very good recuters — if a FireAnt is faced with a task that cannot be accomplish alone, the message will be spread and the other FireAnts rush to assist. This way the FireAnts are able to solve tasks that seem to be impossible and they can cross insurmountable obstacles. But it is always the same thing, the FireAnts hold on to their adjacent FireAnts arms, legs and antennae to form a large unit that has an unstoppable power. The FireAnts form a chain, a chain for the right of liberty, the right of self-determination, an unstoppable chain in which every action is unalterably preserved!

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