FireANTS, better than Bitcoin

FireAnts Coin
2 min readMar 19, 2022


FireANTS Crypto Inc. has developed NFTs (non-fungible tokens) to secure tribal sovereignty, cultural preservation, philanthropy, data integrity, and digital art with modern blockchain technologies.

FireANTS offer a multi­chain ecosystem with a POW/POS blockchain that is interoperable with Ethereum and BinanceSmartChain. The Ecosystem consists of the ANTS coin, wrappedFireANTS, redFireANTS, and the ERC20 token. A wrapping service offers a cost-efficient chain swap between FireANTS and BinanceSmartChain.

The FireANTS Metaverse offers an unique Web3 experience in a fantasitc 3D-VR.

Passive income can be generated by mining FireANTS coins on the native FireANTS chain, or by participating in the Defi (decentralized finance) space. Use the FireANTS coin to earn passive income at or

FireANTS will conquer the universe, be an early adaptor and come with us to the moon

FireANTS Crypto Inc. has its own Metaverse that allows tribes to create their own proprietary dedicated virtual space.

Tribal history, culture, art, and language can be displayed as NFTs in a fully digitized museum. Tribes and individuals can interact, collaborate, advertise, and create a marketing campaign in 3D virtual reality.

On the P2PB2B exchange, the FireANTS coin can be traded against Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, BUSD, and USDT, and the Udonex exchange offers Bitcoin, BUSD, and USDT markets for FireANTS.

Check out the mining pools and look at the FireANTS blockchain on the FireANTS explorer or on OpenChains.

Meet an active, friendly, and creative community and join the FireANTS family on Discord and Telegram!




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